Read about Traces from the Anthropocene: Working with Soil-project in the NEWS page

Laboratory of Presence

Radical Relevances Conference, Aalto University, Otaniemi 25.-27.4.2018

Huuto Gallery, Jätkäsaari, Helsinki 3.-18.12. 2016

The Laboratory of Presence examines the social relationship of a human and a horse. Multi-sensorial artefacts as well as a live performance are shared as results of an ongoing artistic experimentation. The horse contributes to the process by non-forced actions of its daily living allowing a human observation and contact. A strong consideration for ethics in working with the animal is fundamental for the project. I have strived to open all my senses allowing the process to happen in a shared state of being with the horse. I therefore claim that Kristoffer is more the subject, co-maker, of the work than the object. The first stage of the project was presented in Huuto gallery, Helsinki 2016

kutsari2_Kristo1.jpg Kristoffer_ja Riikka.jpg tuijaristoaanitys.jpg GalleriaHuuto_lapsikeinuu.jpg Latva-Somppi_Ratsastussimulaattori 2016_.jpg GalleriaHuuto_isa ja lapsi ratsastaa_p.jpg GalleriaHuuto_Nainenjatytto_aaniteos_p.jpg GalleriaHuuto_Paivaheinat_vieraat.jpg